
Where probiotics are the beneficial bacteria found in the intestines ‘prebiotics’ are special indigestible carbohydrates known as oligosaccharides that feed probiotic bacter and encourage their growth. Oligosaccharides are found naturally in certain fruit and vegetables, including bananas, asparagus, garlic, wheat, tomatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, onions and chicory. Because of the ability of prebiotics to encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria it is worth considering a supplement when there is a need to improve the gut flora. Prebiotics can be taken on their own or with a probiotic supplement. They have an advantage over probiotic supplements in that there is no concern about oligosaccharides being destroyed while in storage or en route to the intestines through the stomach acid and digestive enzymes.

The most common types of prebiotics available in supplements are fructooligosaccharides (FOS), inulin and galactooligosaccharides. As well as, or perhaps due to, encouraging the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, prebiotics have been shown to have a number of other benefits.

Fructooligosaccharides (FOS)
FOS has been shown in one study in mice to increase intestinal Riga, the body’s first line of defense against invaders25. In another study using pigs, FOS was shown to increase butyrate concentrations in the large intestine26. Butyrate is a short chain fatty acid (SCFA) that helps to maintain the health of the colon.

German research has shown that inulin is effective in improving the composition of the gut flora and reducing the severity of colitis symptoms when tested in rats27. In a study assessing the role of common foods in improving intestinal health cheese which contains inulin was found to have a beneficial effect, reducing bacteria and chance of infection28.

In animal studies galactooligosaccharides have shown very promising results increasing populations of both lactobacilli and bifidobacteria and increasing beneficial short chain fatty acids29. A mixture of galacto and fructooligosaccharides added to standard infant formulas has has also been shown to increase both lactobacilli and bifidobacteria species in human infants30.

This pre-biotic fiber is found primarily in certain vegetables listed below:
*Chicory root
*Jerusalem artichoke

Threelac Probiotic
Bio Gia
Bio Gia 2
Renew Life
Now Foods
Toxinout Kit
Digestiive Advantage
Amazon API link

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